Week4 PartA

 For Armstrong Garden Centers when I just take a quick look to me it looks like the website would appeal to maybe middle age to older generation because they offer a wide variety in their plants. On Rancho Vista Nursery's website they look like they appeal to a younger generation because it's trendy to like succulents and cactuses. Armstrong's website from a basic observation shows all kinds of tabs and options they have for their business. The reason why I think they would appeal to middle age or to an older generation is because they offer landscaping/designing and classes. Which to me would be something middle age or older generation would be interested in. 

Rancho's website to me would be very appealing to the younger generation who like plants but don't want to quite commit to a whole landscape or can't because they don't have their own homes yet. I say this because they offer succulents and cactuses which are one of the most easiest plants to take care of with having basically no maintenance, depending on the plant. For me the website on a basic observation looks like it's for a younger audience because their background is kind of a worn wood. They also are not a shop but a farmstand, which is also something lately that appeals to the younger generation as well. 

Right away with both of these websites you can easily spot all of the differences they have one being a strictly business type of design and the other being more of a homey personal business. There is nothing subtle in the differences these two websites have they are very obvious big differences. I do think that there can be a crossover of the two types of customers because there could be someone in there twenties and have a place that they need landscaping or land design for. There is also some people in the older generation who also have the same love for succulents and cactuses as the younger generation. 

The conclusions I come to for Armstrong's is it's for an older generation because all of their services the provide would be for a home owner. They have a wide variety of plants and exotic ones that require high maintenance which takes a lot of time. Their call to action is to provide the best quality of plants possible to the customer which in my opinion seemed more business like instead of personal. Basically what I got from their call of action in the tone seemed very dry and kind of boring in my opinion. 

For Rancho's the conclusion I came to is it's for a younger generation just based solely on the two plants they provide even though those two plants do have different species as well. From their design it was simple but easy to use they have only two pages but everything you need to know is there and they use a background picture for their website which adds more character to the page. If they have a call to action I could not find it but I found an About Us area of them explaining their business and their history as well. The tone I got from them seemed like they were more of a personal business kind of like a small town feeling to them.  


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