From taking this class I have gotten a better understanding of not just social media as a whole but also on how to use social media. Learning more about social media and all of the different tools and options available has changed my viewpoint of it. I'm not much of a social media kind of person and I would say I'm not very "tech savvy" but it has opened me up more to using social media. I did learn that there are other social media platforms than the three major ones like LinkedIn and even Blogger the one we used for the whole semester. I've heard of people blogging but I didn't know how or where they would create their blogs but I have never heard of a newsletter until we made one in the class which was interesting and great tool to learn about. All of the different tools we covered in class has helped me get a better understanding of what is available for my use but also what I think would work best for me. Creating a small business would be best to start...